Learn more about the Flatbush Junction neighborhood and the opportunities it offers.
About the Flatbush Nostrand Junction
About 350,000 people live within a 1.5 mile radius of the Junction, that spend $3 billion/ year on goods & services
Well Educated Community
43% of residents age 25 and older have a college education or higher. 39% are high school graduates or have some college education.
Nationally Recognized Institution
Brooklyn College named one of the best-value colleges in the US by Forbes magazine has over 19,000 students + Faculty
Dynamic Consumer Base
Strong market for retailers focused on young families. 42% of residents are of ages 20 – 50 years with a median age of 36.

Flatbush is also one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in Brooklyn, although a large percentage of its residents are of Caribbean descent, many other heritages and ethnicities are represented in the area, including African-American, Jewish, Middle Eastern and Chinese Americans.
The corridor also serves Brooklyn College’s diverse body of students, faculty and staff. It’s no wonder the neighborhood is attracting new residents from across the five boroughs!
Attractive & Diverse Housing
Popular Commercial Cooridor
Centralized & Easy-to-Acess
Come Home to a Community and Commercial District
The three-way intersection known as “the Junction” has been transformed into a large mall with various conveniences and retail options.
Learn how the BID supports Business Owners
Get support for your small business or future venture.
Events in the Junction and throughout Brooklyn